Went dwn to sch early tt day for a swim wit fat mk n backie wind..
Tt mk la was suppose to meet his fren at 10 but ended up late again which was alrdy 11.30.
During bathing took some snap shots of mk half naked but tt ass go delete it away damm arbo u ppl would have something nice to entertain you
In sch met up wt this duno wat gal promoting some expensive n "gd" facial bar soap.
She was like "u know ar this bar ver easy to sell 1 those malaysian aunty 1 month earn 50kringet a mth ar" Ah la ah la if so gd y dun leave for herself to sell -_-"
It was friday nite fever headed dwn to mos...
the 2d's =)

me n happy =l
It was another fruitless nite again sadded....
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